{Conversation with Nathan}AsianxChick90210 (12:26:50 AM): Hey Nathan
EvDogg87 (12:27:05 AM): heyy hows it goin?
AsianxChick90210 (12:27:21 AM): Its going alright. How about yourself?
EvDogg87 (12:27:26 AM): great
AsianxChick90210 (12:27:33 AM): Whats so great? lol
EvDogg87 (12:27:34 AM): i dont know if you follow college basketball at all
AsianxChick90210 (12:27:38 AM): Not really lol
EvDogg87 (12:27:43 AM): but michigan state kicked some ass tonight
EvDogg87 (12:27:49 AM): final 4!
AsianxChick90210 (12:27:51 AM): Nice, Congrats on that
EvDogg87 (12:27:58 AM): yeah it was really exciting
EvDogg87 (12:28:07 AM): was at the bar and then weve just been celebrating all day
AsianxChick90210 (12:28:24 AM): Nice
AsianxChick90210 (12:28:28 AM): Feeling a little buzzed lol
EvDogg87 (12:28:36 AM): mmhmmm
AsianxChick90210 (12:28:43 AM): lol
EvDogg87 (12:28:44 AM): its wearing off now though
AsianxChick90210 (12:28:57 AM): Well good cause I wanted to make sure your head was on straight
AsianxChick90210 (12:29:03 AM): Not sure what my chances are with staying this week
AsianxChick90210 (12:29:19 AM): I feel like Jun and Sarah are going to probably evict me and then not exactly sure how Howie and Eric are thinking
EvDogg87 (12:29:27 AM): well you have my vote 100%
AsianxChick90210 (12:29:44 AM): Yeah I figured I did
AsianxChick90210 (12:29:51 AM): I know I need two more though and I probably have two against me
EvDogg87 (12:31:16 AM): well...
EvDogg87 (12:31:48 AM): ill try and see what i can find out
EvDogg87 (12:31:48 AM): eric is like never on though
AsianxChick90210 (12:31:52 AM): I know
AsianxChick90210 (12:31:55 AM): I think I should message him
EvDogg87 (12:32:04 AM): i think that would be a good idea
AsianxChick90210 (12:32:15 AM): I don't feel like Parker is all that into this game to begin with
EvDogg87 (12:32:20 AM): i dunno if you've talked to him, but the one time i talked to him he seemed really persuadable and naive
EvDogg87 (12:32:35 AM): i agree with that
AsianxChick90210 (12:34:08 AM): done
EvDogg87 (12:35:23 AM): have you talked to sarah much?
AsianxChick90210 (12:35:52 AM): I have, I just feel like she has something with Jun
EvDogg87 (12:37:25 AM): im sure she does
EvDogg87 (12:37:26 AM): jun loves her
AsianxChick90210 (12:37:37 AM): Yeah
AsianxChick90210 (12:37:42 AM): Well I know who I would nominate next week if I was here
AsianxChick90210 (12:37:52 AM): Keesha is such a big target that I would rather have her stay
EvDogg87 (12:38:30 AM): who?
AsianxChick90210 (12:38:38 AM): Sarah and Jun
EvDogg87 (12:40:22 AM): good call
EvDogg87 (12:43:00 AM): well jun is acting uncertain about the vote
EvDogg87 (12:43:08 AM): i dont know if thats an act, or if she really doesnt know
AsianxChick90210 (12:59:44 AM): Yeah lol I'm sure its an ACGT
AsianxChick90210 (12:59:45 AM): *ACT
EvDogg87 (1:13:38 AM): any luck?
AsianxChick90210 (1:13:53 AM): Talking to Eric
AsianxChick90210 (1:13:59 AM): I feel its clear Jun and Sarah are voting me off
EvDogg87 (1:15:21 AM): ya i think so
AsianxChick90210 (1:29:16 AM): You haven't gone on record yet saying you are keeping me right?
AsianxChick90210 (1:29:24 AM): Eric was saying he feels like he could be the only one voting me to stay
EvDogg87 (1:29:47 AM): no i said i am 100% voting to keep you
EvDogg87 (1:29:50 AM): i promise
AsianxChick90210 (1:30:06 AM): Oh no I believe you lol I'm asking if you told Eric you were voting out Parker
EvDogg87 (1:30:14 AM): i havent really talked to eric about it though
AsianxChick90210 (1:30:26 AM): Okay thats what I was wondering
AsianxChick90210 (1:30:29 AM): Eric seems easily swayed
EvDogg87 (1:30:30 AM): i figured id let you talk to him first
AsianxChick90210 (1:30:35 AM): Yeah I am right now
AsianxChick90210 (1:30:50 AM): I feel like we've established a good connection thus far
EvDogg87 (1:31:32 AM): k
AsianxChick90210 (1:36:52 AM): Well will see how this vote goes lol
EvDogg87 (1:37:15 AM): talked to howie?
AsianxChick90210 (1:37:24 AM): I have before he's away now though
EvDogg87 (1:37:32 AM): he was just on the site a minute ago
EvDogg87 (1:37:35 AM): he might respond?
AsianxChick90210 (1:41:47 AM): Yeah I tried..
EvDogg87 (1:43:16 AM): well then he will be the key
EvDogg87 (1:44:12 AM): but he is relatively close with sarah i think so it will be tough
AsianxChick90210 (1:44:19 AM): Hmm
AsianxChick90210 (1:44:23 AM): I hate how everyone is connected lol
AsianxChick90210 (1:44:56 AM): Sent him a message too
EvDogg87 (1:49:10 AM): yeah i like games better when its like a whole new batch of people
AsianxChick90210 (1:49:17 AM): I know
EvDogg87 (1:49:18 AM): more realistic and stuff
EvDogg87 (1:49:23 AM): but anyways i need to get some sleep
EvDogg87 (1:49:26 AM): ill ttyl
AsianxChick90210 (1:50:17 AM): bye!
AsianxChick90210 (1:50:20 AM): thanks for everything
EvDogg87 (1:50:28 AM): no problem
EvDogg87 (1:50:32 AM): i reeeeeeally hope you stay
EvDogg87 went away at 1:51:09 AM.
AsianxChick90210 (1:51:32 AM): Same
AsianxChick90210 (1:51:33 AM): bye