TRANSCRIPTChelsbot: First question...
Chelsbot: Which evicted Houseguest failed to vote in Week 3?
Sheila: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Parker: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Sheila
Sheila: Danielle
Chelsbot: that is correct
Jessica: I remember this challenge..
Chelsbot: Who would you like to nominate?
Natalie: YAY!
Sheila: Parker and Ugly Ass Chi Chi
Parker: BUZZ!
Natalie: <3
Natalie: lmao
Jun: ;(
Natalie: VETO TIME!
Chelsbot: Next question (for Veto)...
Chelsbot: In the Veto Competition “Steps to Success,” which evicted Houseguest had a time of 34 minutes?
Sheila: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Sheila again
Sheila: April
Chelsbot: That is correct
Parker: BUZZ!
Sarah: lol
Sheila: Not using it
Sarah: I am so on the jury
Chelsbot: Everyone but Sheila, Jun, and Parker has 30 seconds to IM me voting to evict Parker or Jun from the HOH
Jun: lawl
Jun: fuck sheila over people
Jun: thanks
Sheila: as long as you dont win ill be happy
Jessica: I vote to evict.. dang I'm not in the house!
Jun: ~spanks Jessica~
Natalie: omg kenya my fave EVER!
Sheila: lol....
Chelsbot: By a vote of 3-1...
Nathan: booyah : )
Jun: bye bye Chi CHi
Jessica: hehe hell yes BOOYAH
Parker: BUZZ!
Sarah: bye Chichi
Chelsbot: Parker, you have been evicted from the HOH Competition
Jun: ;o
Jun: eh
Parker: is this thing working?
Parker: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: lol
Jessica: lol
Chelsbot: Remaining Houseguests: Natalie, Sarah, Nathan, Sheila, Will, Jun
Jury: Parker
Natalie: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Sarah: haha
Chelsbot: Next Question (for HOH)...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the HOH Competition “Big Brother Battlefield,” which evicted Houseguest was killed by a giant spiked club?
Natalie: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Sheila: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Natalie
Natalie: Natalie
Natalie: WRONG!
Chelsbot: that is not correct
Will: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Jun was 2nd to buzz in
Jun: HOwie
Chelsbot: correct
Chelsbot: Who would you like to nominate?
Jun: yay so i know for sure now neither of these two are hoh so im nominatine Shatalie and Sheila
Sheila: lol
Sheila: yay
Natalie: yay <3
Chelsbot: Next Question...for Veto...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Which evicted Houseguest once held the title of General?
Sheila: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Sheila
Sheila: NONE
Jun: nope
Jun: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: That is incorrect
Sheila: lol
Chelsbot: Natalie
Natalie: my turn?
Natalie: Keesha
Chelsbot: Keesha is correct
Natalie: I will use the power of veto on mySELF
Parker: damn, even i knew that one
Chelsbot: Who is Jun nominating in Natalie's place?
Jun: who is left
Jessica: even I knew that one lol
Chelsbot: sarah, nathan, will
Sheila: shut up lol
Parker: lol
Jessica: <3
Sheila: ive erased keesha from my memory
Jun: ima put up nathan
Jessica: good plan
Jessica: I would too
Chelsbot: you have 30 seconds to evict Sheila or Nathan
Chelsbot: By a vote of 3-0...
Chelsbot: Sheila, you have been evicted from the HOH Competition
Parker: i got one rolled-up for us Sheila
Jun: owned
Chelsbot: Remaining Houseguests: Natalie, Sarah, Nathan, Will, Jun
Jury: Parker, Sheila
Chelsbot: Next question (for HOH)....
Natalie: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the HOH Competition “Big Brother Battlefield,” which evicted Houseguest was in possession of a machine gun?
Natalie: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Natalie
Natalie: I will go with
Natalie: Eric
Chelsbot: That is correct
Natalie: Ill put up Sarah and Jun
Jun: nice
Chelsbot: Next question (for Veto)...
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the HOH Competition, “Mark My Words,” which evicted Houseguest had a final score of 80 points?
Nathan: BUZZ!
Will: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Nathan.
Nathan: diane
Chelsbot: That is incorrect
Chelsbot: we move to Will
Natalie: I GOT IT
Natalie: WTF!
Will: howie?
Chelsbot: incorrect
Chelsbot: we move to Natalie
Natalie: NONE!
Chelsbot: correct
Chelsbot: Natalie wins Veto
Natalie: YAY! Since this is about um.. being strategic, I'll veto SARAH and put up someone fast *WILL*
Sarah: I'm a floater
Chelsbot: you have 30 seconds to evict Will or Jun
Jun: lol im toast
Chelsbot: By a vote of 2-0...
Chelsbot: Will, you have been evicted from the HOH Competition
Jun: what?
Will: bye y'all
Jun: seeya soon willy
Chelsbot: Remaining Houseguests: Natalie, Sarah, Nathan, Jun
Jury: Parker, Sheila, Will
Chelsbot: Next question (for HOH)...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the HOH Competition “Head to Head Combat,” which evicted Houseguest was paired up against Eric?
Jun: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: JUN
Jun: April
Chelsbot: Correct
Chelsbot: who would you like to nominate?
Jun: only 3 left right?
Jun: so it doesnt matter
Jun: Sarah and Shatalie
Chelsbot: Next question (for Veto)...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the HOH Competition “Capture the Flag,” which evicted Houseguest’s flag was captured by Daniele?
Nathan: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Sarah: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Nathan
Nathan: keesha
Chelsbot: Correct
Chelsbot: Nathan will send Sarah or Natalie out of the HOH Competition
Chelsbot: post your decision in here
Nathan: unfortunately i must vote to evict sarah
Jun: ugh
Natalie: <33333
Jun: why
Jun: -__-
Sheila: he doesnt like sarah's ass
Sheila: he has said that before
Chelsbot: Remaining Houseguests: Natalie, Nathan, Jun
Jury: Parker, Sheila, Will, Sarah
Nathan: too saggy :/
Chelsbot: this last HOH will consist of 3 parts
Jun: do we still have to buzz
Jun: lawl
Chelsbot: yep
Jun: k
Chelsbot: For Part 1...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: In the opening HOH Competition “An Eye for Detail,” which evicted Houseguest finished in 5th place?
Parker: BUZZ!
Natalie: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Natalie
Natalie: Hmm
Natalie: Ill go with
Natalie: Lori
Chelsbot: Correct
Chelsbot: Natalie wins Part 1
Chelsbot: For Part 2...
Chelsbot: Which evicted Houseguest was evicted as a result of a 3-2 vote?
Jun: BUZZ!
Nathan: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Jun
Natalie: ...
Sheila: hurry up
Jun: Karen
Chelsbot: Correct
Chelsbot: Part 3 will be Natalie vs Jun
Sheila: epic
Chelsbot: For Part 3...
Natalie: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Which evicted Houseguest said, “lmfao, What alliance? Why are people accusing everyone else of these secret
Natalie: BUZZ!
Jun: BUZZ!
Chelsbot: Natalie
Chelsbot: Correct
Natalie: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KOEIKIOFJEW
Natalie: ewjoiiofwejiofjiowerj
Sheila: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chelsbot: Who would you like to evict?
Natalie: i vote out jun
Jun: k
Chelsbot: Final 2: Natalie vs. Nathan
Jury: Parker, Sheila, Will, Sarah, Jun
Sheila: thats all i wanted
Sheila: lol
Chelsbot: All jurors will now IM me stating who they would like to see win HOH
Jessica: can I vote too?
Nathan: lol
Chelsbot: lol
Chelsbot: By a unanimous vote of 5-0...
Parker: lol
Sarah: LOL
Sheila: lol
Chelsbot: Congratulations, Nathan, you are the new Head of Household!
Natalie: lmao
Jessica: you mean 6-0
Natalie: good job
Parker: grats, Nathan
Sarah: Congats Nathan
Nathan: thanks guys : )
Sarah: haha Kenya
Sheila: jess i thought you would vote for natalie
Jessica: shh don't let anyone else know..
Jessica: ROFL!!!!!! LMAO
Natalie: um
Sheila: LOL
Natalie: shut up?
Sheila: no shes being sincere
Sheila: obviously
Jessica: Dustin <3
Natalie: BUZZ!
Sheila: did dustin say something?
Jun: thanks jessica
Natalie: :> bye you guys.
Sheila: LOL
Natalie: ~spanks~
Parker: that was fun for about 30 seconds. lol
Sarah: lol
Parker: bye guys
Parker has left the room.
Sarah: I don't know why I didn't win that
Chelsbot: Results will be posted shortly
Sarah: I am so good at minis lol
Natalie: have fun talking about me while i leave will, jun and sarah
Natalie: bye
Sarah: that made me freak out
Jessica: *talks about Seb*
Jessica: oh wait he's still here!
Sarah: let's talk about something more interesting
Natalie has left the room.
Sarah: anything
Jessica: i'm eating chips
Jessica: they are yummy
Sarah: that's more interesting
Jessica: or theres always socks
Jessica: that's pretty interestingn too
Sarah: or watching paint dry
Sarah: well thanks Chels - that was fun and nervewracking
Jessica: congratulations Nathan