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EvDogg87 (5:22:20 PM): so you like miley cyrus right?
Jamison7538 (5:22:38 PM): only when she's in the news for something bad
EvDogg87 (5:23:06 PM): oh boo
EvDogg87 (5:23:12 PM): i actually really like her <3
Jamison7538 (5:23:15 PM): lol
Jamison7538 (5:23:29 PM): I think my sister went to one of her concerts
Jamison7538 (5:23:32 PM): and she's 22
EvDogg87 (5:23:39 PM): lucky!
Jamison7538 (5:23:44 PM): OMG NO!
Jamison7538 (5:23:47 PM): She is such a bad singer!
EvDogg87 (5:24:12 PM): no way
EvDogg87 (5:24:27 PM): "my best friend leslie said, she's just being miiiley"
EvDogg87 (5:24:29 PM): love that part
Jamison7538 (5:24:32 PM): lolol
Jamison7538 (5:24:44 PM): The Climb makes my ears bleed
Jamison7538 (5:24:47 PM): but I like it anyways
EvDogg87 (5:24:57 PM): haha yeah
Jamison7538 (5:25:05 PM): I saw that she performed it on idol so I watched it and it was soooooooooo bad
EvDogg87 (5:25:16 PM): lol i was just gonna say that
EvDogg87 (5:25:23 PM): but i still love her
Jamison7538 (5:25:43 PM): she's going to be the next britney
Jamison7538 (5:25:54 PM): fame and fortune at 16, but a shaved head a few years later
EvDogg87 (5:26:03 PM): LOL
EvDogg87 (5:26:12 PM): im now trying to invision miley with a shaved head
EvDogg87 (5:26:16 PM): it's actually not that difficult
Jamison7538 (5:26:24 PM): lol
EvDogg87 (5:35:00 PM): so how do you feel about miley cyrus?
JDeanUT (5:38:48 PM): I'm not a fan
EvDogg87 (5:39:20 PM): what!
EvDogg87 (5:39:24 PM): she's awesome <3!
JDeanUT (5:40:11 PM): haha
JDeanUT (5:40:23 PM): I've never seen that show
EvDogg87 (5:40:27 PM): i have one of her songs stuck in my head real hardcore right now too
JDeanUT (5:40:29 PM): or any of her movies
EvDogg87 (5:40:34 PM): nobody's perfect!
EvDogg87 (5:40:36 PM): i gotta work it!
JDeanUT (5:40:50 PM): haha
JDeanUT (5:40:57 PM): her one song used to always get stuck in my head
JDeanUT (5:41:01 PM): when it was on the radio all the time
EvDogg87 (5:41:33 PM): lol the one that goes... my best friend leslie said, she's just being miley
JDeanUT (5:42:34 PM): hehe
JDeanUT (5:42:35 PM): yep
EvDogg87 (5:42:41 PM): that one is the best
JDeanUT (5:42:42 PM): my best friend is actually named Miley
JDeanUT (5:42:49 PM): she hates it now
JDeanUT (5:42:50 PM): hehe
EvDogg87 (5:43:03 PM): haha oh i bet
EvDogg87 (5:45:40 PM): is it short for something?
JDeanUT (5:45:52 PM): well her name is actually spelled Maile
JDeanUT (5:45:57 PM): her family is Hawaiian
EvDogg87 (5:46:02 PM): ooo
JDeanUT (5:46:18 PM): she used to love it, cause it was really original
JDeanUT (5:46:22 PM): but now she hates telling people her name
JDeanUT (5:46:23 PM): hehe
EvDogg87 (7:49:16 PM): so random question
EvDogg87 (7:49:40 PM): how do you feel about miley cyrus?
phocqr (7:50:07 PM): lmfao
phocqr (7:50:16 PM): i don't think you could get much more random than that
phocqr (7:51:03 PM): i think it's safe to say I really don't have any feeling towards her at all.
EvDogg87 (7:51:10 PM): aww really
EvDogg87 (7:51:19 PM): i thought since you liked care bears so much you might like her too
phocqr (7:51:43 PM): i'm not sure if i should say "lol" or "?"
EvDogg87 (7:52:02 PM): lol jk
EvDogg87 (7:52:16 PM): but yeah ive recently like kinda gotten obsessed with her music
EvDogg87 (7:52:29 PM): don't know why, but they are always stuck in my head
phocqr (7:53:14 PM): haha. well i'm not sure how much help I will be considering I am pretty sure I have never heard one of her songs. at least not on purpose lol
EvDogg87 (7:53:59 PM): dont you wish that you could be a fly on the walllll
EvDogg87 (7:54:02 PM): you havent heard that one?
phocqr (7:55:40 PM): lol
phocqr (7:55:44 PM): thats the whole title?
EvDogg87 (7:55:57 PM): umm i think the song is just called fly on the wall
EvDogg87 (7:56:00 PM): thats how the song goes though
phocqr (7:56:25 PM): ha. i don't see why you and Dustin don't get along better
phocqr (7:56:41 PM): no doubt he shares your musical taste.
EvDogg87 (7:56:49 PM): lol good point
EvDogg87 (7:56:16 PM): OMG
arasfromexile (7:56:26 PM): yeaaah?
EvDogg87 (7:56:24 PM): i wanna see the new hannah montana movie so bad
arasfromexile (7:56:31 PM): lmao joke right
EvDogg87 (7:56:35 PM): no!
arasfromexile (7:56:41 PM): why!
EvDogg87 (7:56:43 PM): cuz she's amazing
arasfromexile (7:56:56 PM): she's hot yes but she's not amazing
EvDogg87 (7:57:00 PM): she is such a good singer, are you srs?
arasfromexile (7:57:18 PM): i only like one song from her and idk the song name -__- so yes
EvDogg87 (7:57:26 PM): which one?
EvDogg87 (7:57:41 PM): the one that goes... nobody's perfect! i gotta work it!
arasfromexile (7:57:53 PM): lmao that ones okay
arasfromexile (7:57:57 PM): i think that is it
arasfromexile (7:58:07 PM): doglover dances to it?
EvDogg87 (7:58:08 PM): yeahhhh
EvDogg87 (7:58:10 PM): doglover <3
arasfromexile (7:58:14 PM): yeah that one lmao
EvDogg87 (7:58:18 PM): i patchin up the holes
EvDogg87 (7:58:23 PM): and then i overflows!
arasfromexile (7:58:33 PM): omg ev you smoking again?
EvDogg87 (7:58:35 PM): no lol
EvDogg87 (7:58:44 PM): i really do have a secret obsession with her
EvDogg87 (7:58:51 PM): i thought you would understand
arasfromexile (7:58:55 PM):
EvDogg87 (7:58:55 PM): but i guess not so nevermind
arasfromexile (7:59:24 PM): i had a secret obsession with mary kate and ashley when i was like 7 i thought they were the hottest girls ever
EvDogg87 (8:00:09 PM): haha cant blame ya
arasfromexile (8:00:33 PM): haha now they're ewww
arasfromexile (8:00:36 PM): hippies
EvDogg87 (8:00:56 PM): yeah sad
EvDogg87 (8:01:03 PM): except mary kate was on weeds
EvDogg87 (8:01:07 PM): and she was lookin good
arasfromexile (8:01:16 PM): i knoww
EvDogg87 (8:01:14 PM): yay weed!
arasfromexile (8:01:20 PM): loL!
arasfromexile (8:01:22 PM): lol*!
arasfromexile (8:01:35 PM): you crackhead making michigan's taxes go up
arasfromexile (8:01:36 PM): lolol
I'm movin' into this one! Who's with me?
I brought the jams too...