Karen (3:34:16 PM): Let's talk on here so I can post the convo.
Daniele (3:35:04 PM): I'm pouring my heart out to you
Daniele (3:35:08 PM): lawl brb
Karen (3:35:11 PM): ...
Karen (3:35:13 PM): fine bai
Daniele (3:35:25 PM): Karen (3:35:49 PM): You're not even funny, I hope you know that.
Karen (3:35:56 PM): There's an alliance out to get you, and I'm the leader of it.
Daniele (3:36:33 PM): I have an alliance after you, as well.
Karen (3:36:52 PM): Oh snap.
Karen (3:39:50 PM): So my TAR partner?
Karen (3:39:53 PM): I saved our asses.
Karen (3:39:59 PM): He didn't know who Nelson Mandela was.
Daniele (4:07:10 PM): Hi.
Daniele (4:07:19 PM): I have returned with great news.
Karen (4:07:21 PM): Me and Ev just had a talk about you.
Daniele (4:07:26 PM): We are an alliance.
Karen (4:07:28 PM): We're nominating you this week...
Karen (4:07:41 PM): What's the news?
Daniele (4:07:41 PM): DID YOU HEAR MY GREAT NEWS?
Daniele (4:07:48 PM): ME AND YOU ARE IN AN ALLIANCE.
Daniele (4:07:50 PM): I just said kthx.
Daniele (4:08:04 PM): Yes.
Karen (4:08:10 PM): lmfao
Karen (4:08:13 PM): Where'd you go?
Karen (4:08:16 PM): TREADMILL?
Daniele (4:08:19 PM): Yes. XD
Karen (4:08:21 PM): Oh.
Karen (4:08:26 PM): Were you reading P&P?
Daniele (4:08:33 PM): I can't read on the treadmill.
Daniele (4:08:43 PM): I get sick to my stomach.
Karen (4:10:02 PM): haha, motion sickness.
Daniele (4:10:23 PM): not funny.
Karen (4:10:40 PM): Actually hilarious, cause I get it too.
Daniele (4:10:44 PM): i almost died because of motion sickness.
Daniele (4:10:46 PM): so
Karen (4:10:48 PM): That's a lie.
Daniele (4:10:48 PM): just kidding lol
Karen (4:10:49 PM): Don't lie.
Daniele (4:13:20 PM): Do you work at the festival this weekend?
Karen (4:13:25 PM): Yeah.
Daniele (4:13:28 PM): Last weekend?
Karen (4:13:31 PM): No.
Karen (4:13:34 PM): Next weekend too.
Daniele (4:13:37 PM): Ugh.
Daniele (4:13:46 PM): Well, weekends aren't too bad.
Daniele (4:14:06 PM): That's when I work at Bowling Alley, since weeknight jobs in the school year are crap.
Karen (4:18:49 PM): I hear way too many people complain about them.
Daniele (4:19:24 PM): It's also stupid, considering how much work I get now.
Daniele (4:19:30 PM): I can't afford to take time off to work for six hours.
Daniele (4:22:28 PM): There's this one girl in my class, in fact, who never does her work and always says "Sorry, I work until 10 PM"
Karen (4:26:25 PM): So, what's your name?
Daniele (4:27:28 PM): Huh?
Karen (4:27:38 PM): I want to know more about you.
Daniele (4:29:16 PM): Wtf this cast is insane.
Karen (4:29:27 PM): How so?
Daniele (4:29:46 PM): Because Buffy, Chris K, Patrick, Seb, Dustin, Bessie...
Karen (4:30:46 PM): lmfao
Karen (4:30:56 PM): Ev mentioned me and Seb having bad blood.
Karen (4:31:03 PM): So I think we've got a chance at getting him out first.
Karen (4:31:10 PM): I'm excited for Patrick because I know he likes me.
Daniele (4:31:26 PM): "Monique" (4:31:10 PM):[/b][/color] Oh wow I think someone else is from Ontario in this game as well
Daniele (4:31:28 PM): lmfao
Daniele (4:31:33 PM): i was like "Oh? neat"
Karen (4:31:40 PM): LOL Lori.
Karen (4:31:47 PM): Right?
Daniele (4:31:52 PM): mhm
Karen (4:31:56 PM): haha
Daniele (4:34:14 PM): You are now "Karen WZ"
Daniele (4:34:35 PM): Phocqr...I remember that from somewhere.
Daniele (4:34:49 PM): For some reason, I remember it being from Greenland.
Karen (4:34:55 PM): WZ?
Karen (4:34:58 PM): Yep!
Karen (4:34:59 PM): <3
Daniele (4:34:59 PM): Warzone.
Karen (4:35:01 PM): oh.
Daniele (4:35:04 PM): EW BUT NO
Karen (4:35:08 PM): Rob<3
Daniele (4:35:09 PM): I voted him out final 3.
Daniele (4:35:11 PM): lawl
Daniele (4:35:15 PM): hope he doesn't remember me
Karen (4:35:19 PM): He will.
Karen (4:35:23 PM): If not, I'll remind him!
Daniele (4:35:26 PM): bitch
Karen (4:35:31 PM): He won't care.
Karen (4:35:34 PM): I don't think.
Karen (4:35:38 PM): He's a really good guy.
Daniele (4:35:39 PM): Well, um, it was years ago.
Daniele (4:35:43 PM): So that'd be lame as hell.
Karen (4:36:09 PM): I'm sure he remembers the game.
Daniele (4:36:51 PM): JAMISON.
Daniele (4:36:57 PM): YOU WANT TO MILK HIM
Karen (4:37:01 PM): lol
Karen (4:37:04 PM): Jamison scaresme.
Karen (4:37:09 PM): I never know if he likes me or not.
Karen (4:37:55 PM): So here's the plan...
Karen (4:37:58 PM): You wanna hear it?
Daniele (4:38:01 PM): Kay.
Karen (4:38:03 PM): Ok.
Karen (4:38:10 PM): Week 1, Ev wins HoH, nominates you and me.
Karen (4:38:12 PM): You go home.
Daniele (4:38:17 PM): Sounds good.
Karen (4:38:26 PM): I thought so too.
Karen (4:38:34 PM): Lol, I told him we'd never played a gae together.
Karen (4:38:35 PM): *game
Karen (4:38:38 PM): And he was surprised. XD
Daniele (4:39:02 PM): We just talk all day on MSN. It's different.
Daniele (4:39:09 PM): And because you have played in all the crappy games.
Daniele (4:39:11 PM): Karen (4:39:19 PM): Yeah. We're ORG friends who don't play together.
Karen (4:39:23 PM): Daniele (4:39:23 PM): Lmfao.
Karen (4:39:42 PM): I'm excited to see if I'll get sick and tired of you in this game.
Daniele (4:39:59 PM): Um, excuse me?
Daniele (4:40:02 PM): I'm the most amazing person ever.
Karen (4:40:24 PM): We've really NEVER talked strategy, dude.
Karen (4:40:39 PM): I don't even like your strategy.
Daniele (4:40:55 PM): We can talk strategy week 9, okay?
Karen (4:41:16 PM): LOL
Karen (4:41:17 PM): okay
Daniele (4:43:00 PM): Freaking two Daniele's.
Karen (4:43:08 PM): Yeah, but you're one of them.
Karen (4:43:10 PM): So it's easy for you.
Daniele (4:43:13 PM): Oh, I forgot.
Karen (4:43:19 PM): right, yeah.
Karen (4:43:34 PM): So Will is targeting you.
Karen (4:45:16 PM): *poke*
Daniele (4:45:39 PM): Who's that?
Daniele (4:45:42 PM): lol
Karen (4:45:47 PM): I'm kidding.
Karen (4:45:50 PM): Trying to annoy you.
Karen (4:45:52 PM): Will Wikle.
Daniele (4:45:54 PM): k thanks
Karen (4:46:18 PM): So...
Karen (4:46:20 PM): Keesha...
Karen (4:46:21 PM): is...
Karen (4:46:24 PM): Corinne... I think.
Daniele (4:46:33 PM): From your game?
Karen (4:46:35 PM): Yeahhhh.
Daniele (4:46:47 PM): I assume she won't last long, then.
Karen (4:46:54 PM): It's 1) an alias, 2) both named Alyssa
Karen (4:46:58 PM): 3) they've ben on all day
Karen (4:47:15 PM): Yep. Exact same login times.
Karen (4:47:16 PM): It's her.
Karen (4:47:19 PM): She's gone first.
Daniele (4:47:22 PM): LMAO
Karen (4:47:23 PM): After Seb.
Daniele (4:47:32 PM): I thought you liked her.
Karen (4:47:36 PM): I love her.
Karen (4:47:46 PM): But I don't want her in the game if she's going to pull her usual crap.
Daniele (4:48:32 PM): K.
Karen (4:48:38 PM): I'm not kidding...
Karen (4:48:56 PM): So you need to pay to use last FM now.
Karen (4:49:00 PM): So I paid for it, cause it's worth it.
Daniele (4:50:00 PM): Daniele (4:50:04 PM): lawl
Daniele (4:50:06 PM): that's so dumb
Karen (4:50:13 PM): Not really.
Daniele (4:50:16 PM): But I guess I pay for my music.
Karen (4:50:18 PM): They need to pay every time you listen to a song.
Karen (4:50:26 PM): So ads tend to support that
Daniele (4:50:26 PM): Well, the songs I buy off of itunes anyway
Karen (4:50:38 PM): But they're only covering Us, UK, and Germany now.
Karen (4:50:44 PM): Since they're the biggest revenue generators.
Daniele (4:50:45 PM): Ah, okay.
Karen (4:50:50 PM): so like 3 bucks a month isn't bad.
Daniele (4:50:51 PM): I still do YouTube music.
Karen (4:50:58 PM): I only do sometimes.
Daniele (4:50:59 PM): But my faves I buy on itunes and they go on the ipod.
Karen (4:54:23 PM): But yeah, I got the email and I freaked out.
Karen (4:54:26 PM): But then I started thinking.
Karen (4:54:34 PM): There's a lot of pople bitching about it, cause it's "racist".
Daniele (4:54:44 PM): XD
Daniele (4:57:09 PM): Dollhouse?
Karen (4:57:16 PM): What aboutit?
Karen (5:04:40 PM): *poke*
Daniele (5:05:31 PM): hai
Daniele (5:06:02 PM): Take a bow!
Karen (5:06:22 PM): k
Daniele (5:06:30 PM): I have a question.
Karen (5:07:51 PM): K
Daniele (5:08:37 PM): Are you smiling with an open mouth?
Karen (5:08:54 PM): lmfao
Karen (5:08:55 PM): oh btw
Karen (5:08:58 PM): Cicely's haut
Daniele (5:09:01 PM): oh my god.
Karen (5:09:09 PM): What?
Karen (5:09:15 PM): Daniele (5:09:23 PM): no
Karen (5:09:26 PM): Oh, okay.
Karen (5:09:31 PM): Here's my gay friend:
Karen (5:10:01 PM): photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs040.snc1/2672_141556695351_627985351_6248555_7348413_n.jpgDaniele (5:10:02 PM): I just posted my confessional in the living room. ><
Karen (5:10:04 PM): LOL
Karen (5:10:06 PM): DELETE IT QUICK
Karen (5:14:05 PM): I read it btw
Karen (5:14:12 PM): I don't appreciate you talking about me like that
Daniele (5:14:22 PM): k
Karen (5:14:43 PM): So HoH tonight.
Karen (5:14:47 PM): Do you tihnk we should win it?
Daniele (5:14:52 PM): Depends.
Daniele (5:14:57 PM): I, personally, don't want to win it. XD
Daniele (5:15:08 PM): But at the same time, you never know what other people are thinking.
Karen (5:15:28 PM): Yeah. I might pee myself this week if I get nominated.
Karen (5:15:33 PM): I just want to get it out of the way.
Karen (5:15:40 PM): If there's going to be bloodshed, I want to make the first move.
Karen (5:15:52 PM): Hehehe, Parker remembers me.
Karen (5:16:28 PM): Do you talk to Jamison much?
Daniele (5:23:00 PM): not really
Karen (5:23:15 PM): k
Karen (5:23:20 PM): Because he terrifies me.
Karen (5:33:07 PM): "Parker" (5:32:53 PM):[/b][/color] do you talk to slayers emotion alot
Karen (5:33:09 PM): Daniele (5:35:34 PM): lmao
Daniele (5:35:36 PM): who is parker?
Karen (5:35:38 PM): Rob.
Karen (5:35:40 PM): So I told him.
Karen (5:35:50 PM): He was like, "am I the only one who hought it wasa girl named Allie?"
Karen (5:35:50 PM): XDD
Daniele (5:35:59 PM): lmao
Karen (5:36:15 PM): "Parker" (5:32:53 PM):[/b][/color] do you talk to slayers emotion alot
Karen (5:36:16 PM): Whoops
Karen (5:36:20 PM): "Parker" (5:35:58 PM):[/b][/color] unless that was a lie. but who on earth would lie about being from North Gower lol
Karen (5:36:11 PM): Haha!
Daniele (5:36:31 PM): lmfao
Karen (5:36:41 PM): You should probably talk to him about that if he asks.
Daniele (5:36:46 PM): kay
Karen (5:36:50 PM): Cause he does remember you.
Daniele (5:36:51 PM): is he onnnn?
Karen (5:36:54 PM): Yeah.
Karen (5:36:58 PM): Phocqr
Daniele (5:37:28 PM): so he knows we're friends?
Karen (5:37:36 PM): He asked if we still spoke
Karen (5:37:40 PM): So I said, we keep in touch.
Karen (5:37:45 PM): But I also mentioned I made you come out. XD
Karen (5:37:50 PM): So it's pretty common knowledge.
Karen (5:38:01 PM): I wouldn't explicitly state it.
Karen (5:38:03 PM): Unless he asks.